Sailboat Meditation: Day Four

Saturday 03/04/2023


Acts 17:16-33

Focus Scripture:

Indeed he is not far from each one of us. For ‘In him we live and move and have our being’. (Acts 17:27-28)

Listening to God:

Know that right at this moment, I am very close to you. The air that you are breathing is a gift from me. The ability to turn a page or read a sentence comes to you right now from my loving hands. It grieves me when you act as though I am far away. You give me great joy when you recognize our intimacy and live like a son or daughter of God. I desire your good as a mother desires good for her infant. Trust me and don’t be afraid!

My Prayer:

Feel free to leave your prayer or thoughts in the comments


Sailboat Meditation: Day Four



Acts 17:16-33

Focus Scripture

Indeed he is not far from each one of us. For ‘In him we live and move and have our being’. (Acts 17:27-28)

Listening to God

Know that right at this moment, I am very close to you. The air that you are breathing is a gift from me. The ability to turn a page or read a sentence comes to you right now from my loving hands. It grieves me when you act as though I am far away. You give me great joy when you recognize our intimacy and live like a son or daughter of God. I desire your good as a mother desires good for her infant. Trust me and don’t be afraid!

My Prayer

Feel free to leave your prayer or thoughts in the comments


  1. debbie h medford on March 4, 2023 at 11:58 pm

    Jesus i have loved knowing you share each and every moment with me from the time of my babtism at 7. You have never left me and Hod the Father has always held us tightly. i never understood how much my life was guided by the Holy Spirit and had never known how to love the Spirit with every breath of my life until i i’ve been so lost and confused. not scared because you have promised steadfast loving kindness to me. i did not now the power of love, justice and kindness which the Spirit blew into us and how big it made us. Give me wisdom, grace and humility to go forward in you Holy name. May all the glory go to God the Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Amen

  2. Beth H on March 5, 2023 at 7:48 am

    I want to trust you God, but so often my trust has been betrayed in this world by others not like you. Help me to know the difference between the things of this world and your world so I can choose wisely. I put my trust in you, my Rock and Salvation.

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