Sailboat Meditation: Day Twenty

Monday 03/20/2023


John 11:17-44

Focus Scripture:

Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.” (John 11:44)

Listening to God:

You are mine! My deepest delight is to set you free from everything that stunts and binds your life. The tentacles of envy, worry, self-will, and so many other things wrap themselves around your heart without your even realizing it. They steal your joy and make you less effective as my witness. You cannot rescue yourself; they are more powerful than you are. Come to me, and let me free you from the clutches of these spiritual predators. Let me unbind you and set you free!

My Prayer:

Feel free to leave your prayer or thoughts in the comments


Sailboat Meditation: Day Twenty



John 11:17-44

Focus Scripture

Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.” (John 11:44)

Listening to God

You are mine! My deepest delight is to set you free from everything that stunts and binds your life. The tentacles of envy, worry, self-will, and so many other things wrap themselves around your heart without your even realizing it. They steal your joy and make you less effective as my witness. You cannot rescue yourself; they are more powerful than you are. Come to me, and let me free you from the clutches of these spiritual predators. Let me unbind you and set you free!

My Prayer

Feel free to leave your prayer or thoughts in the comments

1 Comment

  1. Beth H on March 20, 2023 at 11:51 pm

    Lord, free me from everything that keeps me from moving in rhythm with you. Amen.

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