Sailboat Meditation: Day One

Wednesday 03/01/2023


Jeremiah 29:1-14

Focus Scripture:

When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord (Jer. 29:13-14)

Listening to God:

When was the last time you really searched for me? Your days are full of other things that compete for your time and attention, but I am the only one who loves you unconditionally and forever. I hold everything in my hands. So much of what you worry about I have already taken care of for you. It will work out. Today, set aside some time to let me bless you with a deeper sense of my presence.

My Prayer:

O Lord, what a joy it is to spend time with you! I don’t know why I forget. I don’t know why I let other things distract me from seeking you, for you have always been so amazingly patient and loving with me. When I need to be comforted, you are there. When I need to be reaffirmed, you are there. When I need to be challenged, you are there. When I need to laugh or cry or scream or sit in silence, you are there; and I love you for being who you are. Help me to seek the things that are most important first. Help me to live in your presence every moment of this day and all days to come. I love you, Beth

Feel free to leave your prayer or thoughts in the comments


Sailboat Meditation: Day One



Jeremiah 29:1-14

Focus Scripture

When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord (Jer. 29:13-14)

Listening to God

When was the last time you really searched for me? Your days are full of other things that compete for your time and attention, but I am the only one who loves you unconditionally and forever. I hold everything in my hands. So much of what you worry about I have already taken care of for you. It will work out. Today, set aside some time to let me bless you with a deeper sense of my presence.

My Prayer

Feel free to leave your prayer or thoughts in the comments


  1. Beth Hoskins on March 4, 2023 at 11:35 am

    O Lord, what a joy it is to spend time with you! I don’t know why I forget. I don’t know why I let other things distract me from seeking you, for you have always been so amazingly patient and loving with me. When I need to be comforted, you are there. When I need to be reaffirmed, you are there. When I need to be challenged, you are there. When I need to laugh or cry or scream or sit in silence, you are there; and I love you for being who you are. Help me to seek the things that are most important first. Help me to live in your presence every moment of this day and all days to come. I love you, Beth

  2. Beth H on July 31, 2023 at 11:19 am

    Time to start again…Again.
    Be with me Lord, as I cast my eyes along the path looking for the way of your footsteps.

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